Wednesday, January 19, 2011

a chapel experience

(speaking at the IBTS Chapel Service)
                Yesterday afternoon (Sunday) while I was napping there was a meeting about who from our group would preach at the Seminary’s Monday morning chapel service.  And apparently it was during that meeting that “we” decided that my two roommates and I would split the preaching time into three parts.
                I woke up at 3am and could not get comfortable and could not get back to sleep.  So I began to think, “With my one chance to speak to the entire Indian Baptist Theological Seminary, what would I want to say?”  I had a guaranteed 10 minutes when the students would be completely focused on me and what I was saying.
                I decided to share part of my struggle as a Christian and especially as one called to ministry.  I wanted to let them know that as great and rewarding as ministry was, that it would also be extremely difficult.  There would be times when we get tempted to walk away from it all, times when it seems easier to turn away from God and his calling.  But in my life there had been placed a reassurance in a verse that was given to me long ago.
                “-“ 1 Corinthians 10.13
                When things get difficult, I know that I am not the first and only person to deal with these things and I certainly will not be the last.  But also there is the reassurance that God will provide a way out of that temptation to walk away and in doing so, I know that I will grow from the experiences I face.
                After chapel we were treated to lunch at the beautiful home of George, an employee at BTSR and his family.  After spending time in the sitting room we were taken on a tour of the land and shown all of the different crops growing there, from pineapples to coffee to cocoa.  It was an amazing experience.  When we actually sat down for lunch, there was more than enough food, all freshly prepared, and most of it harvested from their land.  All ten of us, plus Sabu and Grace from the seminary had plenty to eat and it seemed that we barely left a dent in the food.  But it was delicious, some of the best pineapple I’ve ever tasted and some of the most hospitable people I’ve ever met.

1 comment:

  1. Baby. I am so proud of you. You may not see this until you get home. I'm OK with that because then I'll be seeing you too. :)
    I love you so much.
