Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Day of Freedom

                Today, Thursday, was a free day for the BTSR team, a day that we could do whatever it was that we wanted.  Unfortunately, the van we’ve been using was in the shop and the children at the home were in class all day.  So for most of us our free day was spent roaming the campus and catching up on reading, although I was able to email my beautiful wife, and that is always a good thing.
                My roommates and I were able to hang out with some of the seminary students and play badminton.  It was a lot of fun, and as we learned this game that we really did not know how to play, the time was filled with laughter.  In the background, there were Christmas carols being played somewhere in the distance while we played in our shorts and t-shirts.
                Toward the end of the day, part of our team was able to visit again at the Precious Children’s Ministry.  We were able to teach them a couple of songs and share with them the story of Jesus calming the storm.  It was great to see them smile and laugh as they did their parts and learned new words and motions to songs.  They are always so happy to see us and shake our hands.  And as we walked away they were sad to see us go again.  We’re all hoping to go back at least one more time to play with the kids and say goodbye, but we’ll have to see what the next few days have in store.

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