Thursday, January 20, 2011

A day of travel

                 Today was fairly uneventful as a whole.  Most of our time was spent either in the airport or on the plane heading to Delhi.  As exciting as those two things seem, I ended up sleeping or reading the entire time.
                The one exception of the day was both exciting and sad at the same time.  The morning after a quick breakfast, we said our goodbyes to the seminary.  It was very early so we were thinking it was going to be as if we were sneaking out in the middle of the night, with no one realizing that we had gone.  But to our surprise when we walked out to store our bags, we had a group of the students waiting to see us off.
                After 1 ½ weeks of living with these students, they had certainly left their impression on us.  My hope is that we had not been just another group of Americans that had some and gone.  It feels as if some bonds have been made, some friendships formed and some memories created.  I hope that our impression has been left as well in a positive way.  We will all miss the students of the Indian Baptist Theological Seminary, but we are also very excited to move to the next part of our trip. 
                New Delhi, here we come.

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