Thursday, January 13, 2011

Precious Children Home

   One of our final experiences of the fist day in Karala was a visit to the site of the Precious Children Home.  This is a compound that houses over 130 children from 5-16 years old.  They learn, play, worship and live in this place primarily because they have been taken from broken homes or situations of violence and abuse.
   Upon our arrival, the children would run out on balconies waving and talking.  We began a tour of the facilities that was quicly interupted by children wanting to meet us, and wanting to get their pictures taken.  Apart from a few of them being shy, they were excited to shake hands and introduce themselves.  The children then helped with the tour, answering our questions and haveing plenty of questions for us in return.
   Before our time was up in that place, we got the honor of sitting in on their worship service.  It was incredible, completely led by the children exccept for the sermon.  Two songs opened the service, both begun by children in the audience.  That was followed by two scripture readings also done by children.  After the sermon, our group got to introduce ourselves and answer any remaining questions.
   It was a wonderful experience getting to meet all of these children, to learn of their situations and to watch them worship.  Certainly one that i will continue to look forward to during my time here.

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