Thursday, January 20, 2011

One last day in Kerala

                Sunday began with a visit to the Voice of Christ Pentecostal Church down by the river.  It was great worshiping with a group that was so outwardly passionate about their love for Jesus.  Between the singing, dancing and the various messages it was truly a worshipful experience.  It reminds me of the passionate worshipers back home who may not outwardly express their love for Christ the same way, but you know that it is there.
                After a quick lunch, a couple of the guys and I got to play volleyball with several of the students here.  It was the perfect way to close our time at the seminary, hanging out with our Indian counterparts and just enjoying our time and the game.  I may be sore in the morning, but it will be well worth it.
                Tomorrow we leave at 6am after a quick breakfast.  We hop on a plane in Kochi and fly most of the day as we travel to New Delhi.  This is where our trip becomes hurried.  We are visiting 3 cities in 4 days.  So once we get off the plane tomorrow evening, it’s rest and relaxation for the marathon that is yet to come.

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