Sunday, January 9, 2011

Saturday Indian Time

Outside of a dorm

Driving though the small cities of India there were several observations i had during that 2 1/2 hour ride as compared to our ride to Dulles Airport.  The first was our transportation.  We rode through VA in comfort and luxury with a very nice church van that had room for all of us, plus one and a place for all of our luggage.  upon arrival, we got to ride in a Dvd tours bus that we packed into like sardines, with our luggage taking up to seats and we felt every bump in the road.  Looking out of the window during that ride, we noticed lots of trash on the roads, from balled up paper to old rusty cars, it was littered with it.  As we continued on our drive, we saw some beautiful houses along the way.  However, in between the beautful there was one shack and shanty after another, built up of plywood and cheap materials.
After finally arriving, we got our first look at the seminary we would be spending our time at.  It is a beautiful place set right in the wilderness of India it seems.  There is wildlife running around and plants and trees growing up around it as well.  Everywhere you go is open air, a lot of fans and certainly no A/C.
Our first experience at the seminary was breakfast, my first taste of "real" Indian food.  It was awesome!  Sitting a a group at a round table we were served this delicious meal by seminary students who all seem to be super excited about us being there.
Very quickly after eating and taking the short tour of the campus, it was time to catch up on sleep.  Some were able to relax right away, others were too energized to sleep at all.  I had no problem.  Our room is right next to the road ad so we can constantly hear the traffic going by, and in India that noise is filled with honking horns and loud voices.
After waking, fully rested, we were given the treat of taking tea adn walking up to the children's home.  It was a great experience, one that i will write about later.  We came back to the seminary for dinner and a debriefing of the day.  It was great to hear the experiences of the others on this trip and compare them to my own.  It seems as though everyone is having a wonderful time being immersed in this new culture, and though a large portion of my heart and mind are still in VA, I am enjoying the immersion as well.

1 comment:

  1. soooo i totally commented on this earlier but it's gone. either way, you haven't checked it yet i'm sure. i'm so glad to hear that you're safe and so glad i got to hear a tiny bit about your trip today. :)

    i can't wait to hear from you again. thanks for writing this baby. i love you.
